Guth’s Lodge Location

Our lodge is located one and one-half miles up the Iliamna River from it’s confluence with Iliamna Lake and three miles from the short piece of road linking Iliamna Lake with Cook Inlet. This has to be one of the most scenic areas in Alaska, with the high majestic Chigmit Mountains, glaciers, volcanoes, clear running streams, and hundreds of small lakes as well as Lake Iliamna, the largest lake in the state.
We’ll Take Good Care Of You
We realize the importance of comfort in Alaska’s climate and for this reason, all boats except the small fishing skiffs are cabined and heated. Hot water and coffee are readily available on all trips as a service to our guests.
We have a variety of planes and boats to reach the out-of-the-way spots that are only accessible from the air. In good weather you can’t beat flight-seeing some of the Alaska scenery. Most Alaska visitors will never have the opportunity to see the real grandeur of the Alaska bush the way our clients can. Safety is always the number one priority at Guth’s Lodge, and we may on occasion cancel flight-seeing and ocean fishing if we consider conditions unsafe.
This map displays the Iowithla river and the lower Nushagak. Our camp is located one-half mile downstream from the confluence of the Nushagac and Iowithla rivers. We are 26 miles from Dillingham, on private property with an airstrip out back and riverfront property in front.